Book onto our next Event
Nothing is off limits with SEND Socials, we work hard creating lots of opportunities for the whole family – with around 15,000 spaces available over the year, there is something for everyone! You will find all of our upcoming events below. We look forward to making memories with you!

Bouncemania - 1st March
Join us for our exclusive session at Bouncemania! This fantastic half inflatable, half soft play centre is a favourite for all members of the family! Session time is 9.30am-11am and we have it exclusively for the first hour.

MOOS - Introduction to digital activities including stop frame animation and 3D design - 27th February
**Please note, this activity is for those registered with our MOOS service. If you are on our mailing list you will be emailed out with details of the booking password** We're excited to collaborate with BOM again this year for the delivery of four exciting digital skills sessions. ** Please note, due to funding restrictions this is open to young people aged 11 - 14 with an autism diagnosis (on the pathway / suspected autistic)** You do not have to do all four sessions and can choose those which appeal most to you, however they all look awesome! The overall details of the programme are below - the theme for this specific session is **Introduction to digital activities including stop frame animation and 3D design**

MOOS - Designing avatar characters and wearing them in Augmented Reality - 6th March
**Please note, this activity is for those registered with our MOOS service. If you are on our mailing list you will be emailed out with details of the booking password** We're excited to collaborate with BOM again this year for the delivery of four exciting digital skills sessions. ** Please note, due to funding restrictions this is open to young people aged 11 - 14 with an autism diagnosis (on the pathway / suspected autistic)** You do not have to do all four sessions and can choose those which appeal most to you, however they all look awesome! The overall details of the programme are below - the theme for this specific session is **Designing avatar characters and wearing them in Augmented Reality - 6th March**

MOOS- Safeside visit - 7th March
**Please note, this activity is for those registered with our MOOS service. If you are on our mailing list you will be emailed out with details of the booking password** **Please note this event is not on a typical MOOS day and it takes place on a Friday as per their availability** Join us for our first ever visit to Safeside! Safeside is an experiential learning centre and interactive safety village for children, young people and adults. We will be participating in the SEN programme which teaches children, young people and adults about the fire service, life skills, personal safety, travel safety, good citizenship, road and car safety and staying safe in the home. The centre features an immersive, full-size indoor safety village. It has several scenarios including a bank, house, road, shop, police station and canal. It allows children to learn about real dangers, within a safe and controlled environment.

MOOS - Generating unique scenes with AI softwares and using Green Screen - 13th March
**Please note, this activity is for those registered with our MOOS service. If you are on our mailing list you will be emailed out with details of the booking password** We're excited to collaborate with BOM again this year for the delivery of four exciting digital skills sessions. ** Please note, due to funding restrictions this is open to young people aged 11 - 14 with an autism diagnosis (on the pathway / suspected autistic)** You do not have to do all four sessions and can choose those which appeal most to you, however they all look awesome! The overall details of the programme are below - the theme for this specific session is **Generating unique scenes with AI softwares and using Green Screen **

MOOS - Curating a virtual gallery showcasing digital work - 20th March
**Please note, this activity is for those registered with our MOOS service. If you are on our mailing list you will be emailed out with details of the booking password** We're excited to collaborate with BOM again this year for the delivery of four exciting digital skills sessions. ** Please note, due to funding restrictions this is open to young people aged 11 - 14 with an autism diagnosis (on the pathway / suspected autistic)** You do not have to do all four sessions and can choose those which appeal most to you, however they all look awesome! The overall details of the programme are below - the theme for this specific session is **MOOS - Curating a virtual gallery showcasing digital work **

Coffee Morning - Northfield - 26th March
Join us for an informal gathering for parents / carers. An opportunity to meet others who live locally to you. We're there to share the highs and lows of parenting and everything in-between. There's often lots of laughter, a few tears and always cake! We understand that popping out for a coffee can be a financial barrier to attending and that's why we're buying you a drink of your choice when you attend - we might be able to stretch to a cake too, although that bit isn't always guaranteed!

Coffee Morning - Harborne - 9th April
Join us for an informal gathering for parents / carers. An opportunity to meet others who live locally to you. We're there to share the highs and lows of parenting and everything in-between. There's often lots of laughter, a few tears and always cake! We understand that popping out for a coffee can be a financial barrier to attending and that's why we're buying you a drink of your choice when you attend - we might be able to stretch to a cake too, although that bit isn't always guaranteed!